If you are looking for ways to eat more vegetables, you might really like dehydrated okra! Drying this vegetable creates a crispy snack that is similar to crunching on crackers or chips.
Whether you make dehydrated okra chips or dry whole okra pieces, these are the easiest methods for preserving the food and encouraging you to eat more of it all year round.

Even if you don’t like okra, especially if you don’t like the slimy taste, you might like dehydrated okra. The dried okra will be crispy and have a different texture.
Plus, you can add seasoning to the okra before drying to add flavor. Add whatever spices you like, along with a little olive oil, to make it a savory snack. Here are some great spices to add:
- Sea salt
- Black pepper
- Garlic powder
- Chili powder
- Cayenne Pepper
- Paprika

Can Okra Be Dehydrated?
Yes, okra can be dried to preserve the crop. If you grow your own okra, you might find that you get a bumper crop all at once. Drying it is an easy way to preserve it.
How to Dry Okra in a Food Dehydrator
Okra takes a long time to dry, which is why using a food dehydrator is the best method. It won’t tie up your oven for as long, and you can set a timer on the food dehydrator so that it stops at the appropriate time.
Slice the okra into chips if you would like. Or you can use whole okra.
Either way, spread on a mesh dehydrator tray, making sure that the vegetables don’t overlap on each other and there is enough air flow to circulate around them.
How Long
Set the dehydrator for 130 degrees for 14-24 hours. (This will vary based on humidity and how thick your okra is.)

How to Dehydrate Okra in an Oven
If you want to dehydrate okra without a food dehydrator, you can use your oven. However, it does take okra a long time to dry, so be sure you don’t need to use your oven for anything else during that time.
Place okra on a baking rack which is place on a cookie sheet. This allows for all sides of the okra to dry evenly.
How Long
Dry at the lowest heat seating on your oven (around 150 degrees) for 12 hours. It could take less time, depending on your oven.
Be sure to flip the okra a few times while cooking to ensure even drying.
Helpful Tips for Drying Okra
- The vegetable has tiny spines on the pods and other parts of the plant. There are some spineless varieties. To be safe, wear gloves when washing okra and handling it.
- Washing okra can make it slimy. If you would like to rinse the vegetables before cutting and drying, be sure to do so immediately before using. Do not wash them a few hours or days in advance of drying them.
- Okra can be cut into slices to dry, or the entire vegetable can be dried. If you choose to dehydrate whole okra, it will take longer.
- Make sure that sliced okra is no more than 1/4 -1/2 inch thick to dry as quickly as possible.
- Make sure that the okra is dried until crispy. You do not want soggy or rubbery okra!
- You can add salt or any other seasoning to the okra before drying. Mix your favorite seasoning with a little olive oil and drizzle over the vegetable before putting in the dehydrator or oven.

How To Use Dehydrated Okra
To easily add more vegetables to your diet, you can snack on dried okra like you would snack on chips or crackers. It is especially nice to eat as a snack when you add sea salt before the drying process.
Okra is great to add to soups, stews and gumbo. It will rehydrate when cooked in the liquid.
Substitute dried okra for croutons on top of a salad.
Be sure to see our recipe of how to dry leeks which are also great toppers for soups and salads.
How to Store Dehydrated Okra
Once completely cooled, add dried okra into glass canning jars with air-tight lids. Keep out of the sun or heat when storing.
Dehydrated okra can last up to a year in a jar when stored properly.
You can freeze dried okra to last even longer.
One reply on “How to Dehydrate Okra”
most helpful thank you.